Journal Articles
Aging, Physical Activity, and the Body
Craig, B. P., Morrison, L., McDonough, M. H., Sabiston, C. M., Bennett, E., Doré, I., Won, S., Manzara, P., Culos-Reed, S. N., Hewson, J., Kenny, S. J., Zimmer, C., Wurz, A., Stone, K., Jones, S., Toohey, A., Giancarlo, A., White, K., & McDonough, R. (2025). Social support in physical activity interventions for adults: An overview of reviews. Kinesiology Review,
Bennett, E. V., Welch, K. A., Fischer, O. J. (2024). “I tried to appreciate it in a different way”: Older lesbian, bisexual, and queer women’s body image and embodiment across the life course. Body Image, 48,
Bennett, E. V., Hurd, L., Pritchard, E., Colton, T., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2023). “You’re part of something bigger”: Interpersonal relationships and older Canadian men’s body image. Psychology and Health, 38, 1553-1571.
Morrison, L., McDonough, M. H., Din, C., Zimmer, C., Hewson, J., Toohey, A., Crocker, P., & Bennett, E. V. (2023). Instructor social support in the group physical activity context: Older participants’ perspectives. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 31, 765-775.
Patterson, M., McDonough, M. H., Hewson, J., Culos-Reed, N., & Bennett, E. V. (2022). Social support and body image in group exercise programs for older women. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Zimmer, C., McDonough, M. H., Hewson, J., Toohey, A., Din, C., Crocker, P.R.E., & Bennett, E.V. (2022). Social support among older adults in group physical activity programs. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,
Zimmer, C., McDonough, M. H., Hewson, J., Toohey, A., Din, C., Crocker, P. R. E., & Bennett, E. V. (2021). Experiences with social participation in group physical activity programs for older adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 43, 335-344.
McEwan, D., Bennett, E.V., & Rhodes, R. (2021). Collaboration behaviours within interactive exercise groups. Psychology and Health, 36, 1066-1087.
Bennett, E.V., Hurd, L., Pritchard, E., Colton, T. & Crocker, P.R.E. (2020). An examination of older men’s body image: How men 65 years and older perceive, experience, and cope with their aging bodies. Body Image, 34, 27-37.
Hurd Clarke, L., Currie, L., & Bennett, E.V. (2020). “I don’t want to be, feel old”: Older Canadian men’s perceptions and experiences of physical activity. Ageing and Society, 40, 126-143.
Bennett, E.V., Hurd Clarke, L., Wolfe, S., Dunlop, W.L., Harden, S.M., Liu, Y., Estabrooks, P.A., Rhodes, R.E., & Beauchamp, M. (2018). Older adults’ experiences of group-based physical activity: A qualitative study from the ‘GOAL’ randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 39, 184-192.
Bennett, E.V., Hurd Clarke, L., Kowalski, K.C., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2017). From pleasure and pride to the fear of decline: Exploring the emotions in older women’s physical activity narratives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 33, 113-122.
Bennett, E.V., Hurd Clarke, L., Kowalski, K.C., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2017). “I’ll do anything to maintain my health”: How women aged 65 to 94 perceive, experience, and cope with their aging bodies. Body Image, 21, 71-80.
Bennett, E.V., Scarlett, L., Hurd Clarke, L., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2017). Negotiating (athletic) femininity: The body and identity in elite female basketball players. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 9, 233-246.
Hurd Clarke, L., Bennett, E.V., & Liu, C. (2014). Aging and masculinity: Portrayals in men’s magazines. Journal of Aging Studies, 31, 26-33.
Bennett, E.V., McEwen, C.E., Hurd Clarke, L., Tamminen, K.A., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2013). “It’s all about modifying your expectations”: Women’s experiences with physical activity during pregnancy. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 5, 267-286.
Athlete Stress, Emotions, and Coping
Tremblay, M.I., Bennett, E.V., Mosewich, A.D., Norman, M.E., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2023). “I think the best athletes use it”: Masculinities and self-compassion among men varsity athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise,
Trainor, L.R., Bennett, E.V., Bundon, A.M., Tremblay, M., Mannella, S., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2023). Inescapable tensions: Performance and/or psychological well-being in Olympic and Paralympic athletes during sport disruption. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, 10.1080/2159676X.2023.2175899
Bennett, E.V., Trainor, L.R., Bundon, A.M., Tremblay, M., Mannella, S., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2022). From “blessing in disguise” to “what do I do now?”: How Canadian Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls perceived, experienced, and coped with the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Games. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 62,
Bundon, A., Trainor, L., Bennett, E.V., Tremblay, M., Mannella, S., & Crocker, P. R. E. (2022). From minding the gap to widening the gap: Paralympic athletes’ experiences of inequity during the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Games. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Movement Science and Sport Psychology.
Wilson, D., Bennett, E.V., Mosewich, A.D., Faulkner, G., & Crocker, P.R.E (2019). “The zipper effect”: Exploring the interrelationship of mental toughness and self-compassion among Canadian elite women athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 40, 61-70.
McEwen, C., Hurd Clarke, L., Bennett, E., Dawson, K., & Crocker, P.R.E. (2018). “It’s this thing of being an Olympian that you don’t get from anything else”: Changing experiences of Canadian individual sport athletes with Olympic team selection. The Sport Psychologist, 32, 81-92.
Tamminen, K.A., & Bennett, E.V. (2017). No emotion is an island: An overview of theoretical perspectives and narrative research on emotions in sport and physical activity. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, 9, 183-199.
Experiences of Physical Activity and Living with Chronic Illness and Disabilities
Nemes, D.F., Bennett, E.V., Harris, K.C., Wall, N., & Voss, C. (2024). Growing up with congenital heart disease: A qualitative research study of parents’ and clinicians’ experiences and perspectives. CJC Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease,
Gee, C.M., Tsui, B. T., Martin Ginis, K.A., Bennett, E.V., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P., & Voss, C. (2024). Using qualitative geospatial methods to explore physical activity in children with developmental disabilities: A feasibility study. Disabilities,
Bennett, E.V., Voss, C., Faulkner, G., & Harris, K.C. (2021). From “it makes me feel free” to “they won’t let me play”: The body and physical activity-related perceptions and experiences of children with congenital heart disease and their parents. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, 13, 325-241.
Hurd Clarke, L., Bennett, E.V., & Korotchenko, A. (2014). Negotiating vulnerabilities: Older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their interactions with physicians. Canadian Journal on Aging, 33, 26-37.
Hurd Clarke, L., & Bennett, E.V. (2013). “You learn to live with all the things that are wrong with you”: Gender and the experience of multiple chronic conditions in later life. Ageing & Society, 33, 342-360.
Hurd Clarke, L., & Bennett, E.V. (2012). Constructing the moral body: Self-care among older adults with multiple chronic conditions. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 17, 211-228.
Book Chapters
Crocker, P.R.E., Scott, D., Gregg, M., & Bennett, E.V. (2020). Introducing sport and exercise psychology. In P.R.E. Crocker (Ed.), Sport and exercise psychology: A Canadian perspective (4th edition) (pp. 1-21). Toronto, ON: Pearson.
Crocker, P.R.E., Tamminen, K., & Bennett, E.V. (2017). Stress, emotions, and coping in youth sport. In C. Knight, C. Harwood, & D. Gould (Eds.), Sport psychology for young athletes (pp. 164-173). New York: Routledge.
Hurd Clarke, L., & Bennett, E.V. (2015). Gender, ageing and appearance. In J.M. Twigg & W. Martin (Eds.), Handbook of cultural gerontology (pp. 133-140). New York: Routledge.